Monday, June 9, 2008

Lone Star NFJS Conference Day 3

Day 3 of the Lone Star conference. I started out yesterday attending Brian Sam-Bodden two lectures about Hibernate. I wanted to look at using Hibernate and learn about the concepts. Brian did not let me down. This is exactly what I needed. I was able to learn about Hibernate and some of the basic techniques. He also gave examples of when to use the different configurations. During his second lecture he gave 10 ways to use hibernate more effectively. Hibernate is not a solution for every case but I fully understand when and where this product would be of value. If I am going to build a OLTP site I will probably use Hibernate. If I am building a site that is more reporting based or will be handling larger datasets then I will probably use iBatis or another solution.

After lunch I wasn’t sure which one to attend. After talking with other attendees I decided to go with Mark Richards talk about Java Persistence – Approaching the Silver Bullet. Yes, I know that this makes my third persistence lecture in one day but this is an area that I’m focused on at the moment in my career.

Mark’s talk further examined the differences between iBatis and JPA (Hibernate). He showed examples why to use one or the other in a very clear format. This drove home the point that Brian Sam-Bodden had this morning and also highlighted some of the deficiencies of each type of solution. Mark also pointed out that these may not be the only solution you may need and gave a list of the top 25 persistence frameworks that should be investigated.

Since I was on the java persistence bandwagon today I just decided to stay in the same room and listen to Mark’s second lecture about Transactional Design Patterns. This was a good discussion about the right way to implement a transaction. Did you know there are 3 transaction design patterns to implement a transaction correctly. All that I really considered before was the one (start trans) do something (complete trans) else (rollback). Ask me about this if you want to know more or get Mark’s book

This was a long weekend and my brain is hurting with all of the knowledge it tried to soak up in a short period. However, I feel that this was a fantastic event and I can’t wait for next year. I know that I’ll be a better programmer because of it.



Erik Weibust said...

I went to 3 of the same 4 you did on Sunday. I thought Brian's two talks were great, but I think I learned the most in Mark's transactions talk. I've added his book to the top of my book stack. I'll start reading it next week.

Brian Hurley said...

Like I commented above I really like the Hibernate talks. This can really help me now in my career.

As far as the Mark's transactions book I went ahead and downloaded it but probably won't read it until I get a project that deals with more transactions. As you know most of the projects that I'm working with are reporting based.